Sign up to OliveCare®

To become a member of the AOA’s Code of Practice (now branded OliveCare®) you need to:

  1. Be a financial member of the AOA.
  2. Download the COP Manual and read it.
  3. Download the COP application form and checklist (below) and complete with reference to the Guide to completing the checklist.
  4. Submit this information to the AOA Secretariat either by email or post:

Australian Olive Association



It normally takes around 2 weeks to process your application. If successful we will send you a confirmation letter, certificate, POS order form and COP procedures manual.

OliveCare® Signatory compliance requirements:

  1. Being a financial member of AOA (or equivalent payment as an IP use fee) and the OliveCare®Code of Practice
  2. Having a Product Risk Assurance or HACCP style food safety / quality plan – either ‘in-house’ or as part of a proprietary third party audited certification arrangement, (AOA EVOO template provided), the plan should include:
  3. Use of Corrective Action Request (CAR) procedures to deal with quality complaints, negative feedback, audit failures, on-farm inefficiencies, accidents or lapses in processes, procedures or performance (AOA template provided);
  4. Use of a documented product trace back system including unique batch codes, supply chain records and a product recall system in place (AOA template provided);

Please advise if you currently have a third party audited quality system or organic certification eg HACCP, SQF, FreshCare®, NASAA, BFA or other.

  1. Undertaking annual product testing meeting AS5264‐2011 requirements for classification for each product certifiedunder the OliveCare® Code of Best Practice.

For EVOO products:

  • Minimum Oil Chemistry: Free Fatty Acids (FFA), Peroxide Value (PV), Ultra-Violet Absorption (UV) – (DK, K232 &K270) Note: These parameters may be tested using NIR for Australian oils where the laboratory has achieved robust calibration.
  • *(Highly recommended – further details below) Oil Freshness: Pyropheophytin A (PPP’s), 1,2 Diacylglycerols (DAG’s), tests which enable an objective calculation of BBD, plus
  • Sensory assessment undertaken by NSW DPI or Modern Olives (or through participation in a recognised EVOO competition).

For flavoured olive oil products

  • Flavoured olive oils include infused olive oil, and co-processed, where the flavouring ingredients are co-milled and malaxed with the olives. Olives co-milled with citrus fruits are described as ‘agrumato’ style.
  • As there are no established quality standards for flavoured oils, these products are only able to be certified under Olivecare®by producer declaration and audit of production records.
  • The best before date for an Infused (co-processed) or Agrumato style olive oil needs to be established by an oxidative stability test {Induction Time (Rancimat®) or Fatty Acid Profile (FAP)}. The essential requirement is that the Infused or Co-processed / Agrumato product does not develop sensory defects or lose flavour within the stated BBD.
  • OliveCare® certified flavoured olive oil must be labelled in accordance with the provisions of the Australian Olive Industry Code of Best Practice, Product Guide for Olive Oil & Flavoured Olive Oil.

For other products made using virgin olive oils

Recommended label terminology to be used for products made from virgin olive oils such as soaps, lip balm, hand and face creams, vegetable oil spread, and vinaigrette:

  • Vegetable Oil Spreads and other foods – containing x% (w/w) Australian olive oil (specify grade)
  • Cosmetics including Soaps, lip balm, hand and face creams  – containing x% (w/w) Australian olive oil (specify grade)

For Table Olive products:

  • Minimum test requirements are an analysis of the following parameters in accordance with the requirements of the Voluntary Standard for Table Olives in Australia (RIRDC 2012):


  • Minimum sodium chloride (NaCl) / Water Activity (aw):
  • Maximum pH:
  • Microbiological Criteria:
    • All products – Escherichia coli:Not detectable (<3 cfu/g)
    • All products – Clostridium perfringens:Not detectable (<10 cfu/g)
    • Pasteurized product – Lactobacillus: Not detectable (<10 cfu/g)
  • Sensory assessment undertaken by – Modern Olives (or through participation in a recognised table olive competition)
  1. Having product labels compliant with AS5264‐2011 and Australian Consumer Law (please provide copies of current product labels – EVOO, flavoured olive oil, table olives and any other olive products).
  2. Using product Best Before Dates supported by technical evidence (FFA, FAP, IND, PPPs, DAGs)using either the Modern Olives FFA matrix or PPP and DAG testing algorithm.

Producers should understand that they are assuring their product for the period up to the best before date.  The stated BBD may not exceed 2 years. Random market testing may also be undertaken by the Code Administrator to validate any label claims.

  1. #Observe Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), including providing a declaration ofEVOO storage conditions, & evidence of control of heat, light and oxygen. – This form can be downloaded at the link below.
  2. @Compliance with the Australia New Zealand Food Authority (ANZFA) Food Standards Code, Schedule 20 – Maximum residue limits, including use of a spray diary, correct storage of chemicals  and completion of a declaration of agri-chemical use– this form can be downloaded at the link below.
  3. All olive producers are encouraged to implement an on-farm biosecurity plan using the Farm Biosecurity Action Planner:

*EVOO Freshness Testing – Highly Recommended:

Olive Oil Freshness Testing : Pyropheophytin A (PPP’s), 1,2 Diacylglycerols (DAG’s), tests which enable an objective calculation of your product Best Before Dates (BBD) values.

Modern Olives Calculator:

Potential BBD is best determined from the lowest value derived from Rancimat® (Induction time), PPP and DAG testing, whereby:

  • IND predicted BBD hours = months
  • PPP predicted BBD =(17-PPPs)/(7/12) months
  • DAG predicted BBD =(DAGs-35)/(20/12) months – when FFA is less than 0.40%
  • DAG predicted BBD =(DAGs-35)/(25/12) months – when FFA is greater than 0.40%, and less than 0.60%
  • DAG predicted BBD =(DAGs-35)/(30/12) months – when FFA is greater than 0.60%

OliveCare® Signatory declarations:

Please complete and return asap the following declarations to the OliveCare® Administrator at: 

#Declaration of product labelling

As part of OliveCare® compliance requirements, all Signatories are required to complete the above product labelling declaration.

Product Labelling Guides for Australian EVOO, Flavoured Olive Oil and Table Olives can be downloaded at:

#Declaration of food quality & food safety systems

As part of OliveCare® compliance requirements, all Signatories are required to complete the above food quality / food safety systems declaration.

Risk assurance templates for olive oil and table olives can be downloaded at:

OliveCare® HACCP style food quality plan templates for EVOO and Table Olives can be downloaded from the OliveCare® Members Area at:

#Declaration of EVOO storage conditions

Before issuing EVOO Compliance Certificates based on current season oil laboratory test reports and competition results, the Administrator will require Signatories to complete the above declaration covering EVOO products to be certified:

Note: If your EVOO product has a FFA >0.4% and / or fails to meet the above storage conditions, then we will need to be conservative in determining an objective BBD.

#Declaration of table olive storage conditions

Before issuing table olive Compliance Certificates based on current season laboratory test reports, and competition results the Administrator will require Signatories to complete the above declaration covering table olive products to be certified:

#Declaration of agri-chemical use 

As part of OliveCare® compliance requirements, all Signatories need to complete the above agri-chemical use declaration

‘The Regulator’: The use of agri-chemicals on food crops is regulated by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), and in the state of Victoria under their control of use laws.

An up-to-date list of chemicals approved by ‘The Regulator’ for use on olives is available on the AOA website at:

#Declaration of on-farm biosecurity preparedness

As part of OliveCare® compliance requirements, all olive producer Signatories are encouraged to complete the above on-farm biosecurity preparedness declaration.

An on-farm biosecurity preparedness template is available on the AOA website at:


OliveCare Application Form

OliveCare Notice of Fees 2024-2025

OliveCare Statement