Membership Forms

Please fill the membership form below.

Our membership is financial year (FY) based. If you are joining from October onwards you will receive a pro-rata rate.

If you are an international grower or an importer into Australia and wish to become a member then please contact Elizabeth at to receive your relevant application form.


    TYPES OF MEMBERSHIP (Fees include GST)

    Please note: if you grow or manage olive trees then you need to sign up as a Cat A Member, if you are not in any way a grower of olive trees then you can sign up as a Cat B. If neither Cat A or Cat B reflects your situation, please contact the AOA on 0478 606 145 or email for more options.

    Are You

    Australian person or company with olive trees which may be owned or leased, or where the person has a right to take the produce of designated trees, or persons who manage olive trees, including responsible entities or equivalent for managed investment schemes or other pooled investment arrangements. (First Hectare : $173.25, All other hectares :$17.33)
    A person or company who only markets or sells olive products with a brand owned or controlled by them; provides a service to the olive industry or is a consultant to the olive industry. Please indicate below:
    *If you qualify for both categories A and B, please tick both categories, however, you will only be charged fees relating to category A.

    OTHER OPTIONS (please select)

    PRIVACY NOTICE: The AOA collects information about you and your business to comply with requirements to maintain a register of members and to keep you informed about industry matters. We will not disclose your information to any third party except in accordance with the requirements of the Corp. Law and Australian privacy laws.